File Formats - A brief overview!
When data is collected it creates a file. The most commonly used files are EPS, BMP, TIFF, JPEG, and GIF. For output purposes, the most common file(s) used are Post Script or PDF.
PDF: This is the newest and fastest growing option. It is both editable, with the correct software and has the ability to be viewed using different operating systems. If they are prepared correctly they are usually smaller than their Postscript versions. All PDF files can be opened for viewing using Acrobat Reader which is a free program and can be downloaded by clicking on the link provided. Click here to download Acrobat Reader.
EPS: Encapsulated Postscript – An Adobe Illustrator EPS file is a vector file that is very editable and a preferred file format for printing. An Adobe Photoshop version of the file is also editable providing it has not been flattened and is commonly used for images.
BMP and GIF: These types of files are not well suited for four color reproduction. They are intended for use on the web.
TIFF: When working with graphic files this is the “standard” format. It has limited edit ability and should be used exclusively for images.
JPEG: This type of image file has the ability to significantly reduce file size with little loss of quality.